Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Writing Growth

Ideas and Content

When writing I always try to focus a lot on the Ideas and Content of my work. These two aspects of writing tell the reader what they are going to read about and it is what makes up the piece of writing. I believe I focus on the all the time, however I still haven’t mastered on how to really keep my ideas and content on the right track. However over the course of the year I have improved a lot on being able to use my ideas and content better. When writing the first easy they Alchemist, it was clear my Idea and the Content of my story was very unclear. What I had done was merely re-tell the stroy. I had a good starting in my essay, showing the reader what the idea of my story would be about. However as you go on reading you see that I’m just making a detailed summary of the story. Yet this changed during the Julius Caser essay. On my Julius Caser essay I believe my Ideas and content were strong. In my opening paragraph I set the scene, who I’m going to talking about and what about them. I explain that in my thesis statement. When saying all my ideas to prove certain points as to why I believe Caser is arrogant I didn’t completely argue my case. Even though for every idea I had, I gave a good sentence from the book, I didn’t give my own reasoning as to why that sentence shows what I believe. Yet the content of my essay made scene. It was clear what I wanted to talk about throughout the essay. It is clear by reading the two essays’ I have grown on this aspect of writing.

The organization aspect of writing helps the reader stay focused throughout the writing, and helps them comprehend the piece a lot easier. As a writer I believe I’m able to do this without flaws. As you read my Julius Caser essay you will see that it is very organized. In my thesis statement I say what each paragraph of my essay is going to be about. I said that my second paragraph would be about Caser being egotistic and my third about Caser being very ambitious. My whole essay was indeed sequenced in this order, which shows that the organization factor of my essay was going because I tell the reader straight forward what they are going to read about and in what order, in my thesis statement. The Alchemist essay was also very well organized in my opinion. Even though I am just retelling a story, I re told it in the right order. I believe the reason for my Alchemist essay is just a re-telling or the story is because I did not have a strong thesis statement. If I had one then i would have been able to clearly fallow it and structure my paragraphs around it.

Personal Growth
Over the Corse of the year I believe as a writer I have made huge strides. This is definite in the two essays I have written this year. It shows when you read the essays and by the end result, the final grade. What I believe has pushed me to make this effort is the extra time I take to make my writing better. When writing the Alchemist essay, I rushed it and did not take the time provided to insure my writing would be at the best it can be. However in the J.C essay I planed everything out, and made sure what I was going to write about was compatible to the prompt. For me as a writer what makes a difference in my writing, is the extra amount of time I chose to put into my work. When I do this it makes a difference in my writing.

For both of the essays I wrote in 8th grade, I had to reason critically. The way I did this was when choosing which sentence from the book show I use in our essay. It was very critical for me to make sure that I use the write quote, because I would be arguing my case and my view points with that quote in the essay. I must say that with the extra time I took in writing my J.C essay it showed I reasoned critically more, because my quotes were more powerful and made more scene. In the Alchemist essay i picked weak quotes that just filled up space.

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