Sunday, September 27, 2009

Somthing That Can Bring Tears To Ones Eyes!

Romeo And Juliet is one of the most memerbal and tragedy themed plays by William Shakespeare. The conspicuous tale taken place in italy, of the imature lovers Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. The motive in this play address the issues such as the result of infantile love, hate and antipathy.Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet are young teenagers who fall deeply in love. Yet thier familes are swarn enimes. Knowing how great the consucenses would be if the two even spoke of getting married with one onther, they dicide to elope. The two try every effort to cover up their actions. However the bittersweet fable ends in a shock when Romeo and Julet die, due to unsolved anger and revenge.

It is sad to see that in ones modern day socity we still face the elements in Romeo and Juliet. Love what comes to your mind when you say this word? In the neoteric text books love is difend as" A very strong likeing" Yet the truth is, that this one concept love, can and is vewied a thousand differnt ways. How ever what is disapointing that not everyone can love or be with the one they urne for. Race religoune or social statuse is what keeps them apart. It is not everyday when one finds a couple of differnt religions or cutlure even race. For example a muslim with a Christian or a Jew, And when we do, the stroy is so advertised as if they have done a crime. This is sad to see. We are all humans and should learn to exepet each other for who and what we are. We should not look at what we don't have and how we are differnt but what makes us alike and what we can bring to the table.

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