Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Grater Way of Life

Smuggles her way into your heart
Sheltered in a sheet of hope and faith
Leavening with an immense consequence.

Destiny plays a marjor theme in the story the Alchemist. Choelho gives a the messsage that everyone no matter where you are who you are, you all have some sort of destiny to fallow. He tells you that your heart is one of the most powerfull divise that will help you to gain knowlage of you destiny."Every person has a treasure out there meant for them, but you must be willing to go after it to succeed" Choelho. The story the Alchemist lets you believe that there is always a grater meaning to life, and that everyone, when they look a little deeper will find thier grater meaning. How ever in the story Choelho does write that people who only seek thier money for wealth will never truly gain satisfaction and won't always be happy. It's no correct that if you have found your destiny you are succecfull and you have done everything you can with your time on earth. It's that once you have found your destiny you use the knowlage you have gained from finding it, to do better in you later years.

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